Sunday, September 16, 2007


I chose the campsite in Zeedervoot because of its 20km drive to Amsterdam; it is amongst sand dunes and only 200 meters from the beach on the North Sea. However, we did not stay at any of the campsites (there were at least 5) due to the huge fee. 32 euros for one night stay without showers or electricity is ridiculous. I also want to point out that sand dunes need to be made of sand, not long grass. So, I got to see the North Sea from the road, many people were paragliding and I know we will see it again anyway, when we head over to England next spring (is it always that cold). This left us with only one option, to head back to Amsterdam and stay at one of their campsites. We stayed at Gaaspar Camping again; it turns out to be the cheapest and cleanest of the lot. The reason we are heading back to Amsterdam is because of the van. A month into our trip I sent an email to BW’s to let them know about a few of the concerns we have about our rig and if we needed to come in to get it fixed or if she (Old Blue, Papa Smurf, Big Bertha Blue, The Blue Rock…pick a name) is good and not to worry. The van and its components (fridge etc) are supposed to be completely covered for one year. We are taking her in tomorrow morning, which Julie tells me is a Monday, and plan on revisiting Amsterdam while we wait. We decided to send the email because we were heading north in Germany and it was now or never as once we are done Germany, we plan to head south to warmer weather. We both hoped the van was fine (though we would like to have it work properly too) as this curbs our travels and puts us in a race now to get to Regensburg for Anna’s birthday party.


Unknown said...

UK in anything but the middle of summer is COLD! AVOID!

Phil said...

Your lucky if you even get a hot day here in the summer. Right now its just raining and misty. Pretty sure its going to be like this now for the next 4 months. Great. Enjoy the warm weather!!! Hey also on January 5th I will be in Val D'sere France for a week of snowboarding if you want to join!!!