Friday, April 18, 2008


Julie and I woke up at 8am to get ourselves ready in order to drop off the van before noon. The drive was longer than we expected as we were told it would take roughly 45 minutes (But because our van is slow it took more like 1hr and 20min to get there. Once we arrived in this very small village of only 40 houses we discovered the mechanic wasn’t at home. Not sure what to do we climbed back in the car to get out of the cold and snow. We waited for around 1 hour before he poked his head out from a nearby driveway. It turns out his “shop” is next to his neighbors place. He invited us inside for some coffee while he phoned Tobias to translate what was going on and it wasn’t long afterwards that he drove us to the train station. He helped us purchase tickets (although we learnt later that the tickets weren’t good all the way to Regensburg, well we were told this by our friends when they found out how much we paid). His wife stopped by too just incase more translating was needed. It was a short train ride back and we walked back to Tobias’ and along the way found umbrellas for 1 euro each. We also decided to swing by the computer shop before we made our way to Michael’s later that night for dinner. The guy at the shop seemed to think he would be finished with it in a couple of hours. This surprised us because it was Thursday and the following day was the start of Easter holidays and he closed at 5pm and it was nearly that time already. Michael made us Chili con carne for dinner and it was good (he even had oven fresh bread). When the 2 hour time came up we had Michael call the guy for us and apparently it didn’t take him as long as expected so we hastily made our way over there. The laptop is finally fixed (which is why you are reading this….just try to type on a foreign keyboard, it ain’t easy). I know I should have thought of it before, but it looks like our battery is kaput (which I had a feeling) so we can only use the computer when we have it plugged in. With taxes it was 70 euros and Julie and I couldn’t be happier.

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