Monday, December 24, 2007


We found a parking spot outside Evora’s town wall with little difficulty. It seemed like a truck-stop-like rest area. We got up rather early and once again it was warm enough outside for me to wear a t-shirt (two days in a row!). Evora has a gruesome sight, a cathedral built out of human bones. So when we made it to the tourist office and received the extremely quick directions, we made our way to the fountain in the square to figure out our walking path. It was here that we were approached by two people our age. They were conducting a tourism survey. The survey was fun and Julie and I had a laugh when they asked us which countries we have been to. Because of our pace, we sometimes forget all that we have seen and done. We are so looking forward to our month of rest in Spain. Back to Evora. The town is old but well maintained. It was fairly rewarding walking the streets of this town and not too difficult to navigate to the recommended sites (The town map was really accurate). Julie had the feeling that the bone chapel was in fact located inside another church. We found the entrance and an elderly beggar lady pointed us in the right direction, for this reason, Julie gave her a 50 cent piece. The bone chapel was about as morbid as you would expect one to be. We took our pictures, took in the site and made our way to the next stop, the temple of Diana. The path we chose would take us past a few recommended churches and most of the town. The Roman temple of Diana was in such a poor state it is hard to believe that we found it impressive. This was mainly due to it’s location in the town. On its own, it was pretty pathetic. Behind the temple ruins, a small park afforded a great view of the city outside the town walls. We had another long stretch of road to cover, so it was off to Sagres – the end of the world as they knew it (It’s okay if you want to sing, we did).

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