Tuesday, December 11, 2007

San Sebastian

Our original intention was to visit the city of Bayonne, where they believe the bayonet was created but never confirmed. The city has two rivers and some other stuff to check out which is why we decided to make the 95 km drive to Spain’s San Sebastian. This is another beach side city, one section is believed to be the best place to windsurf/kitesurf/surf etc in Europe because it has never ending wind. The part of the city we visited was located smack dab in the middle of the new area and the old. This gave us a good grasp on how the differences for our first Spanish city. The Spanish government moves here during the summer months so the new area does have an expensive air about it. The old area looked like most old towns we have seen, but the roads have been kept up to date. We walked from one side of the city to the other following the coast. This was a very beautiful walk, but an extremely cold one. It was 9 degrees in the sun and 3 in the shade, that being said, when we arrived at the main beach area you could imagine our surprise to see people attempting a dip (about 4 tried and succeeded for a moment). I could imagine this city to be buzzing in the summer time and the beach just packed with people. The campsite we are staying at for the night (we need showers desperately) is located on top of Mount Igueldo. The view from our van is amazing and would be nicer if there weren’t trees blocking part of the view. On the other side of the mountain road is the ocean which is again a great view. Tomorrow we plan to head to Bilbao where the Guggenheim is located and then start our very long trek west. Julie and I are planning to do the majority of Spain and all of Portugal in the next few weeks in hopes of arriving in the Costa del Sol region in the south where we intend to spend about a month basking in the sun and doing odd excursions to places near by. We are also toying with the idea of a cruise to Egypt during this time, but with our funds almost depleted this might have to be skipped. So for anyone wanting to escape the cold and come and hang with us in the Costa del Sol, let us know and we can come meet you at the airport.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If this place is great, I do hope you got to take photos of you guys ACTUALLY windsurfing ;)