Thursday, March 20, 2008


We just had to go here. Julie taught me a French childhood song about dancing on this particular bridge in Avignon. The bridge of Avignon is famous for the childhood song, and the town also had an impressive palace and a few churches. We parked on the opposite bank of the river which provided us with an extremely nice view of the ruined bridge. The bridge itself used to have 22 arches and now only has 4. We were planning on actually walking on the bridge itself but it was 4 euros each to do so. Not exactly what we would call a necessary expense. We had a nice spot, but since it was still early enough to continue on our way, we opted on leaving for another free aires, this time in a tiny town called St Paul Les Durance. Early that day I had attempted to fix our head lights and managed to make matters worse. I have changed car head lights before, but not on an old German van. I accidentally pulled off the glass covering attached to the light assembly. So now we have one partially working headlight that is now covered with a plastic bag.

When we arrived in St Paul Les Durance we took a stroll through the tiny town to a general store to buy some silicone in hopes to reseal the glass to the light assembly. That same night we also replaced the light bulb with much trouble, only to have the entire light stop working (except the high beams). We did buy the silicone but did not use it as we were told it took 48 hours to dry completely and we have a few more stops before we actually get a break for a few days. We decided it would be best to fix the light at the campsite in Nice. After this troublesome event we decided not to drive at night anymore and get our van to a garage to get fixed.

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