Thursday, March 20, 2008


We were going to head to a truck stop along the way, but since we got started early in the morning we decided that as cool as it sounds, hanging out in a truck stop for the day wasn’t exactly what we were looking for. So we decided to do the 5 hour drive to Paestum. We stayed for free again, this time it was supposed to be 5 euros/night plus 2 for electrical. No one was around to collect here either. We drove around the ruins first and decided it would be best to visit the following morning. We are finally south enough in Italy for it to actually be warm during the day, still cool at night though. I had a very early start the following day, and unfortunately Julie couldn’t get back to sleep either although she tried. At around 5am I shifted my weight to get comfortable in bed and managed to pull just about every neck muscle I have. I was in so much pain that no matter what I did, it hurt. I was in this state for most of the day, around 5pm I was able to move my head back about an inch without pain. We ended up visiting the Greek ruins anyway but decided that an extra night was necessary. The ruins themselves were pretty impressive, I do wish they would have allowed us to actually walk in the ruins, but I could understand why they fence it off. Julie and I did enjoy walking around and felt the €4/person entry fee was worth it. That night we decided to head to Pompeii, to camping Spartacus where we intend to view the area and finally have a shower.

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