Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Fairy Tale Road… Backwards (Bremen to Hanau) DAY 7

The next morning we took our time and headed into town. We’ve been pretty frustrated with the constant cool weather we have been experiencing since we started this trek south and decided that we wanted warmer jackets or at least some rain gear. Unfortunately we couldn’t find anything that looked good, cost next to nothing and fit our needs for slightly warmer gear. We looked at our town map and found out where the statue of the frog prince was and went off to find it. After one complete circle, we could see no sign of the little green dude. As I just happened to dodge someone on the left hand side as opposed to the right as I did the first time round, I saw the extremely small statue of the frog. He wasn’t a prince anymore because someone stole (broke off) his crown.

Our final stop for the FTR was Hanau, the city where the Grim Brothers were born. We found parking just outside the city center and made our way to the tourist office. The girl was very nice and offered us suggestions on what there is to see in Hanau besides the Brother Grim’s monument. We took our pictures of the large monument of the brothers. In the market where it was located it appeared that they were just finishing cleaning up after a large food market of some kind. It turns out that it is an attraction they have during the summer in the square, very similar to any others we have visited in the past. Julie and I then found a place to sit to look over what there was to see in Hanau. Although the museum on Utensils was pretty compelling and the marionette museum was located in a pretty cool area we decided to make the 2hr drive to our first non-FTR location. The town is called Neubronn and is located somewhere between Frankfurt AM and Nuremburg. When we arrived at the stellplatz in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, we were approached by the owner and he laughed when I asked “Is this it?”. Every place we have stayed at up to this point has been a parking lot or a campsite, where this was actually a spot designated on the guys farm. We chose this stellplatz because it had free showers and was only 6 euros for the night. Once we parked, we fell in love with the location. It was quiet, beautiful and very homely. The showers were located on the first floor of one of the houses and we had to walk past the cows and chicken coup to use them. I laughed every time we walked past the cows because they always “Mooed” at us. Julie loved all the animals and especially the straggly looking dog that was always so eager to say hi to her. The couple that owned the farm was even nice enough to offer Julie and I one of their spare beds because they were worried it would be too cold for us outside that night. We declined but kept it in mind. The next morning we felt very tired, maybe it was the country air, maybe it was the huge slope we were on, or maybe it was that it was so cold over night, who knows? We had some difficulty paying for the site as we couldn’t find anyone that actually lived or worked at the farm. When we did find them, we found out that the price was doubled. This however wasn’t their fault, but ours, you see Julie’s German isn’t always 100% and mine isn’t much better. We didn’t mind though, as we really did enjoy the stay and it was such a change from what we are used to. So it is now off to Nuremburg!

1 comment:

Phil said...

Hey the van is looking in good shape still. I saw one parked outside my house the other day and I did a double take on it thinking that you guys might have snuck into England without telling me.... Sadly it was not though. When are you coming to visit?