Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wolfratshausen/Munich DAY 3

Our three day train passes included discounts on various attractions, like the BMW museum, and we decided to check out the Deutches Museum of Science and Technology. The museum we went to was located right near the grounds of Oktoberfest, and this was our first glimpse of it. However, Julie didn’t want to visit it until we were really going to the festival, in a few days time. So we wandered around trying to find this museum. Once we found it, I looked at the booklet and realized that the museum the discount was for was the Deutches Museum, not the Deutches Museum of Science and Technology. Damn. Well, from what we saw through the glass, we didn’t miss much. It appeared to be a transportation museum. So, once we figured out where we had to go (opposite direction), we jumped back on the subway to find this museum. The museum itself is huge and would take more than one day to visit entirely. We managed to see quite a bit and were blown away by the sheer size of it. Whenever they could, they had life size displays, most of the time being interactive too. Well worth the visit, though it would have been nice to have more of it in English. It was roughly 6 o’clock when we arrived at the Haufbrauhaus. On most days, this would have been too late, as it usually fills up at noon, and has a lineup until midnight when it closes. The beer hall can hold 5000 people. When we showed up, we couldn’t tell if there was a line up or not. Security guards were outside, and lots of people, but no real line. Once we decided to venture inside to have a look, we could see that it was pretty full. We didn’t have to walk far though to join a table. At this table sat 5 Americans and 1 German. The two that sat directly next to us, wore Mexico T-shirts but said they were from California?? The other 3 guys were from California too but didn’t know the two with the shirts. No one knew the German guy. And here we sat and talked and drank. Julie had a Raddler again, she would have two for the night, which would equal one full mass beer, way to go Julie!! Unfortunately, the table to our left got thrown out. I say unfortunately because one guy was so pissed off at his friend that he threw a beer on him and punched him in the face. It took two guys to hold him down and all those security guards and what not came in after a regular (you could tell) ran to get them. Julie tells me that the manager called the police right away. Roughly 8 police showed up to kick out the large group, two tables it turned out, of people from England. The guys at our table decided to film and take pictures of everything going on. Once the table was clear and cleaned, it was promptly filled. We witnessed another guy get kicked out, but that was because he kept standing on his chair singing in attempts to get the rest of the hall to join him. He succeeded a few times, the poor guy was just having too much fun. Our table mates left soon after (one of the Mexicans guys told Julie she had nice lips as they were leaving, but Julie didn’t tell me until much later), and Julie and I slid down the table to join the remaining two people. Another couple sat down next to us, but only spoke German so we were unable to say anything but “Prost!”. The couple that stayed at the table when the American guys left turned out to be from America as well, this time being from Colorado. Donna and Eric had rented a car and were traveling around it had not been their first time to the area (seasoned travelers). We had a great conversation, and Donna offered us the use of their hotel shower, but unfortunately by the time we left that night, it was too late and we would have missed our train. Eric and Donna did however buy Julie and I a beer, god love them! So by this point I was pretty buzzed after drinking 3 liters of beer, and I’m proud of Julie because they had ordered two regular beers, not a raddler for Julie and she drank it anyway. Personally, I think Julie is starting to like beer. Thanks again Donna and Eric the drinks were very appreciated, and the company more so. Before I move passed the beer hall, I have to say that Julie had 3 marriage proposals that night. Two guys from Finland and one from Sweden were at our table closer to the end of the night and were part of a larger group. They were mostly fisherman down on holidays for the Oktoberfest. It was a great night and Julie tells me that I need to go back with my friends (people that actually like drinking beer), so guys, anyone interested in getting that planned out? 40 minutes on a train is longer when you’re drunk. Most people get hungry when they are drunk, and this was the case for Julie and I. We took the slightly longer way back to our van, as it passed by a McDonald’s. We had been using the McD’s bathroom instead of the one in our van as it was roughly 5 minutes away. I figure because Julie is so short, she managed to walk right by the management and into the bathroom. I on the other hand was stopped in my tracks. They were closing up the restaurant, but keeping the drive-thru open (when they have a drive-thru over here they call it McDrive, but this one had a supper classy cafĂ© area so it was called McCafe instead of McDonalds). Julie and I told the manager that we wanted to order some food and she told us that we needed to use the drive-thru. Well we didn’t have a car. So she told us to walk up, something that isn’t really allowed back home. So, as we made our way to the order window we saw two staff members outside smoking and we asked them which window we should order from. Turned out to be the one right next to them, so in the door she went to take our order, and there we stood waiting for it. To her credit, she thought her manager was being a bit silly, as she was laughing with us about the whole situation.

1 comment:

Phil said...

hahaha trust the brits to be the ones kicked out. Rowdy bunch they are!!!