Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Regensburg round 2

On Wednesday we went out with Anna and Michael to purchase some traditional wear for the Oktoberfest. If you ever wondered how Lederhoze felt guys, you don’t even want to imagine it, let’s just say that there is a reason they start drinking so early. Julie’s Dindle is black, although she did try to find some with color (red or green, even purple), but they just didn’t look right. The traditional dress was very important to Julie and I think I will have fun participating in this event. So, on Monday, we went grocery shopping and tried to figure out our plans from Thursday to Oktoberfest on October 4th. Our two options were to head north and tour Dresden, Berlin, and Leipzig and maybe Bamburg as well, option two led us in the opposite direction, towards Munich, Batchesgaden, Passau and passing through the Bavarian forest. You’ll learn soon which option we took, so for now we’ll leave you in suspense. Monday night was spent in a beer garden, and Julie had a ½ Liter of beer mixed with ½ liter of sprite, and I had a full Liter of beer (Mass beer). We sat and enjoyed the company of Anna and Michael, and at one point during the night we noticed that two ladies behind us were speaking in English, we later learned that they were from Ireland and California and had been working in Regensburg for the past 5 years. Tuesday was spent wandering the town, mostly at night. We also went to the other Black Bean, to see what it was like, this is where I had my first Caramel Macchiato. On Wednesday, we had already explored much of Regensburg, so we went to the bamboo Black Bean (the first one) to kill some time.


Unknown said...

Ok, this may take me a while to catch up here. To say work is crazy would be an understatement! Note: Don't got back to the corporate prison!

Unknown said...

BTW, loved the photos from Oktober fest mates =)

Phil said...

Not sure when I will get around to wearing the full German gear for oktoberfest but from your explanation I am in no rush!