Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It was an early start for us this morning, mainly due to the cold. Lately it has been around 3 degrees over night and in the early the morning as well. Our goal to get south for warmer weather is still our #1 priority, so after a quick bite we drove back to the pay spot from the previous night and headed out for the tourist office. We asked for a good place to get their famous wine and received another town map. The wine house that the lady at the tourist office recommended was just around the corner from where we were and extremely easy to find. We purchased our one bottle of wine (6euros and the most we have spent on wine) and went to a convenience store to buy another phone card. The town of Cahors is almost completely surrounded by the Lot River. They have many bridges, one of which is the largest fortified bridge in Europe. For some reason, the Devil played a part in building this bridge. To acknowledge this story, the architect added a sculpture on one of the towers during the restoration process a few years ago.

We took some pictures and took off for Bergerac. But that is when things got weird. An air-raid siren went off, now this isn’t the first time we have heard it since being in Europe so we thought nothing of it. A communication error and we ended up taking the wrong exit in a roundabout. Now, I was driving, but I could have sworn I saw a guy with a machine gun in army fatigues. Like I said, I was driving so I shrugged it off. The next bend in the road revealed about 5 tanks and a few other military vehicles (around 20) and many troops with machine guns. One guy was controlling traffic and had stopped us. While we were waiting in this scene, we saw a few of the army guys climbing up onto a building near by. We are not sure what was going on, it might have even been a drill, but it was pretty crazy.


Phil said...

hahaha good times. Did you manage to get some pics of the tanks?

Kris and Julie said...

I was so tempted but seeing as they were carrying guns and all, I figured it to be rude and passed on the idea.

Unknown said...

3 degrees! buddy, it's like minus 10 here!